Credit: Johns Hopkins University
Radiologists are beGinning to use ai-based computer vision models to help speed up the laborous process of Parsing Medical Scans. However, these models require large Amounts of Carefully Labelled Training Data to achieve consistent and accurate results, meaning radiologists MUST Styl Dedicate Significant Significant Time to Annotting Meedicate.
An International Team Led By Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Distinuated Professor Alan Yuille has a solution: Abdomenatlas, the largest abdominal ct dataset to date, Featuring more 3d Ct SCANS of 142 Annotate Tures from 145 Hospitals Worldwide – More Than 36 Times Larger Than Its Closest competitor, totalsegmentator v2.
The dataset and its implementations appear in Medical Image Analysis,
Previous Abdominal Organ Datasets were compiled by radiologists manually identifying and labeling individual organizations in ct scans, requires of all thirsands of hours of Human Labor.
“Annotating 45,000 ct scans with 6 million anatomical shapes would require an expert radiologist to have started working Around 420 BCE -thee era of Hippocrates – TO Complete the Task by 2025,” I zhou, an assistant research scientist in the whiting school of Engineering’s Department of Computer Science.
Addressing this monumental challenge, the hopkins-lege team used ai algorithms to dramatically accelerate this Organ-Labeling Task. Working with 12 Expert radiologists and additional medical trainees, they completes in under two years a project
The Researchers’ Method Combines Three AI Models Trained on Public Datasets of Labled Abdominal Scans to Predict Annotations for unlabed datasets. Using color-coded Attention Maps to Highlight Areas Needing Refinement, The Method Identifies The Most Critical Sections of the Models’ Predictions for Manual Review by Radiology. By reepeting this process –i Prediction Followed by Human Review-Thei Significantly Accelerate The Annotation Process, Achieving A 10-Fold Speedup for Tumors and 500-Fold for Organs, The Researchers Say.
This approach enables the team to expand the Scope, Scale, and Precision of their Dataset without overburdening radiologists, resulting in what the team say is the larGests is the largest Annotated Abdominal Organ Dataset They continue to add more scans, organs, and both real and artificial tumors to help train new and existing ai models to identify cancerous growths, DiagnOs DISEAASes, DiagnOs DISEAs, and Eveen Creatial Twins of Real-LIFI PATINS.
“By enabling ai models to learn more about anatomical structures before training on data-limited domains-such as in tumor ideal idea-and have made ai perform Simillar to the Average Radiology in SOME Ection Tasks, “Reports First Author Wenxuan Li, A Graduate Student of Computer Science Advised by Yuille.
Abdomenatlas also serves as a benchmark that allows other research groups to evaluate the accuracy of their medical segmentation algorithms. The more data that”s used to test these algorithms, the better their reeliability and performance can be guaranteed in Complex Clinical Scenarios, The Hopkins Researchers Say.
The team has committed to eventually related Abdomenatlas to the Public and Posing New Medical Segmentation Challenges Using It, Such as the Bodymaps Challenge at the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Internation Last October. This challenge aimed to encourage ai algorithms that not only perform well theoretically but also that that are practically efficient and reliable in Clinical Settings.
Despite the Advancements Made Possible By Abdomenatlas, Its Creators Note that the Dataset only Accounts for 0.05% of the CT Scans Annually Accquired in the United States, And Call Upon The gaps.
“Cross-Institutional Collection is Crucial for Accelerating data sharing, annotation, and ai development,” The Researchers Write. “We hope our abdomenatlas can set the stage for larger-scale clinical trials and offer exceptional options to experts to practice in the medical imaging form.”
More information:
Wenxuan li et al, abdomenatlas: a large-scale, detailed-carnotated, & multi-center dataset for efficient transfer learning and open algorithmic benchmarking, Medical Image Analysis (2024). Doi: 10.1016/J.Media.2024.103285
Citation: AI-Powered Map of the Abdomen Cold Help Find Cancer Early on (2025, February 3) Retrieved 3 February 2025 from
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